New! - For gluing tips click "HERE"
Nabisco Billboard- A blast from the past! Who doesn't remember this
favorite treat from their childhood. Available in to sizes. The large version
comes with supports.
favorite treat from their childhood. Available in to sizes. The large version
comes with supports.
This is a limited edition sign.
Miller Engineering is pleased to offer Lionel and MTH signs for the first time. The rivalry that
developed between these titans of the model railroad world has pushed the limits of realism
and innovation well beyond what could have been imagined 25 years ago. Our signs are a on
any layout! Limited edition signs! If you would like to reserve one, drop us an e mail.
Available in only the large size and comes with supports.
developed between these titans of the model railroad world has pushed the limits of realism
and innovation well beyond what could have been imagined 25 years ago. Our signs are a on
any layout! Limited edition signs! If you would like to reserve one, drop us an e mail.
Available in only the large size and comes with supports.